Privacystatement DAAN Advocatuur B.V.
You know DAAN as an office that is ready to stand by you: short lines of communication marked by transparency, and expert advice. We communicate openly when it comes not only to the contents of the matter you have come to us about, but also to the way we handle your personal data. This privacy statement tells you everything you need to know on this score. And if, after reading it, you still have any questions, well—you know where to find us. We offer practical, readily understandable, tailor-made answers. And the same goes for any questions you have about personal data.

Whose, and for whom?

DAAN Advocatuur B.V also works under the trade names DAAN Advocaten, DAAN Legal and daanlegal, hereafter ‘DAAN’.
The present statement applies to all persons who have a relationship with DAAN, including at least the following:

  • clients;
  • prospective clients that DAAN has contacted;
  • visitors to the DAAN website;
  • recipients of newsletters and invitations from DAAN;
  • DAAN’s suppliers and service providers.

DAAN processes personal data only in accordance with the legitimate purposes for which the data have been collected. In any case, the following purposes and reasons apply:

  • to carry out assignments involving such activities as advising, litigating, drawing up deeds, and performing other services;
  • to comply with statutory tasks and obligations, such as the Lawyers Act (and the rules and regulations arising therefrom), the Bankruptcy Act, and the Act on the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act;
  • because it is important that we be able to contact you in connection with existing or additional services, such as newsletters and lectures;
  • for the sake of communication about products or services that we purchase;
  • to maintain our network of service providers;
  • for the recruitment and selection of staff;
  • to improve our services.

DAAN will not process your information for purposes other than those mentioned above, unless you have given your specific consent for us to do so.

Which data?
DAAN processes the following categories of personal data.

The personal data that are necessary for the handling of a case by a lawyer, a mediator, or another employee of our office, as well as for billing purposes.
Naturally, titles, names, addresses, postcodes, places of residence, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, company names, job titles, bank-account numbers, and dates of birth are among the data that we need to process as part of our services. The limitation with respect to the information on a given file we have is based in ‘necessity’. We do not process data that we do not need in order to implement a contract.
These data are stored in our digital and other systems and are kept for the statutory retention periods.

Contact details necessary to be in touch with business associates outside a file.
We process the data provided to us through, or in connection with, with introductory meetings, events, seminars, contact forms, and so on. All the data involved here are contact details. We do not keep this data any longer than we have to. If at any time we receive a request from the customer concerned to remove these data, we will comply as soon as possible.

Data that we obtain from suppliers of products and services, whether or not these are supplied to us.
In order to stay in contact with our suppliers and service providers, as well as service providers in our business network, we process contact data for contact persons. We do not keep this data any longer than we have to. If at any time we receive a request from the supplier or service provider concerned to remove the data, we will comply as soon as possible.

Data from application procedures.
We process the information that we ask for and that applicants provide in connection with application procedures, such as contact details, letters of motivation, CVs, and academic transcripts. We will delete this information no later than four weeks after the end of an application procedure, unless the applicant is employed by DAAN or we get specific permission to keep it in our systems for longer.

Information about your visit to our website.
We use cookies and Google Analytics, and that allows us to store IP addresses and analyze the surfing behavior of visitors to our website. Our cookie statement offers further information on this score, and you can find out more in our cookie policy.

Transfer to other parties
In principle, DAAN will not share your personal details with third parties, unless this is required for the proper handling of your file or there is a legal obligation to do so. For example, DAAN will pass on data in the context of legal proceedings or in the case of an agreement or deed involving several parties. Trustees are also subject to obligations arising from the Bankruptcy Act.
DAAN may engage external processors to perform its services. Any processor agreement it concludes will always comply with the relevant privacy regulations.

Secure processing
DAAN will take appropriate measures to ensure that your personal details are safe with us, and that misuse of these details is prevented as much as possible. Unauthorised persons do not have access to your personal data. In addition, we will regularly check our security measures and update them where necessary so that your data is always properly protected.

Your rights
DAAN believes it is important that you be aware of your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data. You have at least the following rights under privacy legislation:

Right of access for persons concerned
You can always contact DAAN at to ask which personal details it processes and for what purposes, and for how long they are kept.

Right of rectification
If you believe that certain data have not been processed correctly, you have the right to request rectification.

Right to data erasure (‘right to be forgotten’)
If you want your personal data to be removed, you can submit a request to that effect to DAAN.

Right to restricted processing
If you want to limit DAAN’s processing of personal data (in anticipation of a request you will be making for your personal data to be rectified, because you have lodged an objection to the processing, or because you do not want the data to be removed even though it is illegal for us to process them), you can request this from DAAN via to submit a request.

Right to data portability
You can contact DAAN at to request that the data it has processed be transferred to you.

Right to object
If DAAN uses your information for marketing purposes, you can contact us at to object to this.

Withdrawal of consent
If DAAN processes your data on the basis of your consent, you can always withdraw that consent in writing.

Questions and complaints
If, after you have read this statement, anything is unclear about how DAAN handles your personal data, if you want to exercise one or more of the rights set out above, or if you have a complaint about how we process your personal data, you can send a message to:

DAAN Advocatuur B.V.
Building 026
Koningstraat 27-2
6811 DG Arnhem

If a suitable solution to the issue you have raised is not found, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Supervisor at the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (Dutch Data Protection Authority, DPA). We recommend that you consult the DPA’s website to find out how best to reach them.

Changes to this statement
It is not only privacy law that is subject to change—the present statement may also be adjusted regularly. The statement you are currently reading dates from 13 june 2024.